

Jenin by Mohammad Yahya aka Cataclysm

Its just a word, isn't it?
It's just a name, what's in a name?
There's a lot in a name!
I'll give you one name that means so much to me.

Jenin is just a place in Palestine!
I tell you no!
Jenin is a place that wants me want to be a better believer,
Every day a better believer!

Your remarkable landscapes are fading away,
Now a barren wasteland is all we're seeing today,
They cover your soil with the blood of numerous martyrs,
Who give their life to the struggle, when times are hardest.

Oh sweet Jenin tell me will you ever be free?
No more occupied oppressed, like they want you to be!
You deserve much more than cries from a child,
Seeing his whole family murdered, bodies all piled!
Then when the Zionist decided to kick up a fuss,
He grabbed a bull-dozer and turned my house into rubble and dust.

Oh sweet Jenin tell me what will it take?
To stop the genocide continuing inside of this place,
To put an end to all the madness,
Last week we were forced to strip naked,
My mother refused,
cos she said that her body was sacred!
So they burned down my school!
And I wonder who's responsible for making those rules?

Why are they here?
From who are they sent?
They drove us out from our homes,
Now we live in a refugee tent!
Mummy cries herself to sleep and Daddy's scared,
Does the world know what's happening?
Does anyone care?
It doesn't seem fair,
My little brother's only 5,
But already, in a wheel-chair!
‘Cos he got shot while praying in a Mosque,
Now his happiness is gone and hope almost lost!

Look deep in my eyes,
And tell me, what do you see?
Do you see a Terrorist?
Or a child that wants to be free?
Or a child that wants to be free?
Or a child that wants to be free?
Or a child that wants to be free?

I just want to be free!

For how long more, will we be degraded by these vultures?
Have our sisters dishonoured,
while they treat us like filthy cockroaches,
I swear I'll dry trying,
‘Cos in the depths of my heart lies a soldier,
Who'd rather die serving his maker,
Than live by the laws of this Zionist culture!

I've been stripped from my rights,
Now enslaved in my own birth place,
Just take a look at my people,
Can't you tell by the pan on their face?
Won't you see by the way that they live?
When the children are crying,
They're hungry, and there's nothing to give!
And if we speak against oppression,
They're quick to put holes in our joints
Force our women to give birth the street,
Next to the daily checkpoints!

So the next morning after Fajr,
With the broken metal piece,
I dug a hole as deep as I could,
Kissed my mother's forehead,
And hugged her a little longer,
Cos I knew that I should!

She asked me if I'd make her proud,
And I told her I would,
Then without looking back,
I walked to the outskirts of our Refugee camp,
There I stood like a lion,
My heart never sank!
Staring at the next tank,
I said 'Look deep in my eyes,
And tell me, what do you see?'
Do you see a Terrorist?
Or a child that wants to be free?
Or a child that wants to be free?
Or a child that wants to be free?
Or a child that wants to be free?

And Israeli Generals, they will tell you, its the City of Cockroaches, we will tell you its the City of Angels

Our beloved prophet (saw), he said in Dua:
'Oh Allah, let us live like princes, and die like Martyrs'

And we said Ameen.
For Jenin. Insha Allah